
What is the required slump for the concrete of the concrete slip form paver machine|Concrete Paving Machines

The slump of concrete slip form paver machine should generally be between 1.5 and 4.0 centimeters. 

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This range needs to be adjusted based on specific factors such as weather, temperature, and transportation distance. In the mixing plant, concrete should maintain a stable slump within the range of 1.5 to 3.5 centimeters within 0.5 to 1 hour.

The working principle of theconcrete slip form paver machine formwork machine is to add a vibrating rod before the forming mold of the sliding formwork machine, and through the action of the vibrating rod, the cement concrete reaches a certain density.

The working principle of the vibrating curbstone sliding formwork machine is to install a high-frequency and low amplitude vibrator on the mold, and use the vibrator to achieve a certain density of cement concrete; The walking of a machine relies on its own power, rather than the reaction force of the mixture on the machine, so the walking is relatively stable.

Although the working principles of various curbstone sliding mode machines vary, their structures generally consist of buckets, feeders, forming molds, compacting mechanisms, lifting systems, and control systems.



Contact: Mr Li

Phone: +86-16605263777

whatsapp: +86-16605263777

Add: Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China