
What is the construction technology of slip form paver

Slipform construction is a construction process of cast-in-place concrete engineering. Compared with conventional construction methods, this construction process has the advantages of fast construction speed, high mechanization, saving labor and materials required for formwork and scaffolding, and being able to easily disassemble and flexibly assemble the formwork, which can be reused. This construction method is often used in reinforced concrete chimneys and circular structures. The lifting power of the sliding form construction process generally adopts hydraulic devices, namely hydraulic jacks. Currently, many slip form projects use large tonnage hydraulic jacks.

At present, there are two main ways, one is the configuration of light machinery, that is, the main work is completed by machinery, and the auxiliary work is completed by manual and small machines and tools. The paving site is equipped with a large slip form paver and a supporting large concrete mixing plant. The social vehicles are rented to transport concrete, and bulldozers or excavators are used to distribute the concrete. There is no distributor, roughening and curing, and roughening and curing are completed manually. The other is the configuration of heavy chain machinery, which is equipped with a spreader and a roughening machine in front of and behind the large slip film paver, and a large support multi blade saw sewing machine. The background is equipped with enough large concrete mixing plants, and at the same time, 8~24 m ³ transport vehicles are equipped to realize the mechanization and speediness of construction.

The control of key processes mainly includes:

1. The speed of the paver shall be controlled at 1m/s, and it is not allowed to rush quickly when there is too much material, and stop and wait when there is no material;

2. The unloading height of the material truck shall not exceed 1.5 meters to prevent segregation of the aggregate;

3. People are not allowed to throw when replenishing materials.

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Contact: Mr Li

Phone: +86-16605263777

whatsapp: +86-16605263777

Add: Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China